
喜报:我院新进教师鲁维洁博士论文在金融学SSCI一区期刊《International Review of Financial Analysis》发表


      近日,我院鲁维洁副教授以通讯作者身份、以湖北经济学院为唯一署名单位,与西南财经大学牛耕副教授和王毅博士、武汉大学周洋副教授合作的论文《Broadband internet and stock market participation》被SSCI JCR一区期刊《International Review of Financial Analysis》接受并在线发表。《International Review of Financial Analysis》期刊为ABS三星期刊,JCR一区(中科院二区),影响因子8.235,旨在发表经济及金融领域的高质量理论与实证论文。


      我院“以用为本、注重绩效、高端引领、批量跟进、引得进、留得住、用得好、流得动”的人才引进战略,以超常规的方法,在全球范围内遴选卓越人才,鲁维洁博士为我院新引进的首位具有海(境)外博士学位的全职教师。鲁维洁博士毕业于香港城市大学,曾在武汉大学任教。鲁博士长期致力于从事公司金融和家庭金融相关方向的研究,目前已在Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization以第一作者发表论文1(我校英文A),在《管理世界》发表论文1(我校中文特类),另有多篇文章在英文权威或核心期刊Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, International Review of Financial AnalysisAsia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics等著名金融国际期刊上发表。鲁博士的加入将壮大我院数理金融与数理经济学科团队,也有助于支撑我院金融专业硕士(量化金融方向)的高水平建设。



      This paper examines the effect of broadband Internet on household stock market participation. By exploiting the expansion of broadband in the U.S. from 1999 to 2008, we find that the availability of broadband in a household's zip code significantly increases the likelihood of stockholding and the share of wealth invested in stocks. Moreover, this effect operates through a higher tendency to follow the stock market, indicating that broadband access reduces the information cost associated with stockholding. The effect of broadband access concentrates among people with high socioeconomic status. By contrast, the arrival of broadband has little impact on the portfolio choice and stock market following of people with low socioeconomic status, who most need to improve wealth accumulation. Our study sheds light on the role of technology development in household finance and the potential distributional effect of technology diffusion.